Nerd Meets Mr Perfect through

I have heard so many horror stories that nerds will grow up an old maid. And every time I visualize myself in the mirror I get scared realizing that those horror stories might end up as my own story.

I am not fat, but I am not also pretty. My wavy long hair perfectly complements my heart-shaped face. However, my high school and college life was terrible. My thick lens and blue braces were extremely disturbing according to my college classmate. I was not that friendly. Most men in class were intimated by me because they believed me to be a total genius. They used to call me the “know-it-all” geek and almost everyone was afraid of me because I could start a conversation asking what isotopes are and how molecules are formed.

Well, I used to believe that I would better be off to become a nun. I had very few friends. Indeed life was so boring at school and even at home. My everyday life used to be so empty without a LOVE LIFE. No one cared or loved me at all – No boyfriend since birth, which means I am a still a virgin. When I turned 29 in 2012, I decided to pursue my masters in psychology and was already convinced that I would be single for the rest of my life. All I cared about was study, get on the dean’s list, and finish my thesis. But then I found Mr. Perfect from this hoity-toity dating site This location based dating app on iPhone is totally awesome!

Now, let’s backtrack a bit to see how my grey world turned into a cradle of fallings stars, red hearts, and flashing neon lights. For a psychology major like me, it must be so unbelievable and unusual to get involved in things like this. But this just proves that not all nerds are stereotypical.

Dating sites have never been an option for me. But two years ago, I found myself logging into out of curiosity. That was not the first time I had heard about the site though. I’ve learned it from Facebook and it also came first on my recommended apps for iPhone. That was the only night when I got so tempted to sign up as MaggieNerdy.

I filled out my profile and uploaded a picture. Of course I chose the best picture with a stunning angle. Needless to say, I completed my FlrtAlert profile and turned on “naughty mode” thereafter.

For the first few hours, I received some pop-up messages telling me that some men were near, and I did enjoy looking at their profiles. I got to “Like” some by clicking on the heart button. In the next few weeks, FlrtAlert has become my pastime sending messages to men I liked. My love story did not happen until two months later.

One man named Jessi kept sending me SMS messages via FlrtAlert. He was a psychology major too, and we constantly exchanged ideas about our research. Although I was too old to feel puppy love, I felt it anyway whenever we chatted. His location was “19 km away” so he must be living somewhere near. Later on, we exchanged Facebook and Twitter account and learned that we were just a town away from each other. We finally decided to meet.

One important rule when meeting someone that you met online, in person is to let your friends know where you going to be. “In case you run into trouble, they will know where to find you.” I had no friends so I just posted a note on the fridge saying, “I’m with Jessi at the Last Bookstore.”

My first date with Jessi was very awkward with a lot of dead air, but we managed to talk though it. Our topics were all about psychology and nothing personal. We ended up the night with a cup of coffee and the last thing he said to me was “Can we chat tonight.” And I said “Yes.”

We went on for months seeing each other at least once a week until we got comfortable. Later on we exchanged phone numbers. He would give me a call every night before going to sleep to have a little chit-chat. We never kissed though. We never had the chance to make out. In my mind, I guessed it was because we were both psychology majors. “Opposite attracts, and likes repel.” That is Gauss's law for magnetism.

Although we got really closer after three months, we both had that eerie feeling whenever we meet and each of us would seem to be just reading each other’s mind.

We did not have a happy-ending right away. I got busy with my thesis and we lost communication for a couple months. But to my surprise, he continued to chat with me via FlrtAlert asking if I was okay. Messages like “How are you?” “Is everything alright?” and “How’s your day?” would pop up on my iPhone. One day he called me and said, “I miss you. Can we meet again?” Those words were magical!

My heart skipped a bit but right then, I knew that something great was going to happen. We met again at the same old Last Book Store and had a coffee. We no longer talked about thesis and psychology. We talked about our experiences for the couple of months that we haven’t kept in touch.

“You look great.” Jessi told me in the middle of our conversation and I was flattered. Nobody has ever told me that!

Before we said goodnight, Jessi uttered something that changed my life FOREVER. “Can we take this into another level?” He asked. That was the happiest moment in my life because my answer was a loud and roaring YES!

It has been almost a year now and soon we will have our first anniversary of being in a happy relationship. Thanks to FlrtAlert I got all my “FIRSTS” in life and found my FIRST ONE TRUE LOVE – JESSI. He is the one I was waiting for after 30 long years of existence!



Find your Soul Mate for the price of a cup of coffee.